Die Produktion des Charismas im Braustüberl Schwarzach
Die Produktion des Charismas im Braustüberl Schwarzach is a play for two. one voice is in quotation marks, one is not. The voices twitch wildly in different realities so that the shaking gives them a physicality. This physicality can be made fruitful - if it is well grated - and scattered on a freshly dug, still fallow field that will soon be filled with wonderful plants and fruits.
Download and read Die Produktion des Charismas im Braustüberl Schwarzach in German:
Download and read the Play in English (translated with kind assistance of Google Translator):
The voices cannot be captured, deceived, or fixed on an origin. the voices are in a connection and relationship to each other. Phew, big events leave behind big conflict situations. Bit by bit, the charisma is produced in the “Braustüberl Schwarzach” so that it just drips.
Ralf Petersen is an author and artist from North Friesland who lives in Upper Austria and wonders day in and day out about the undergrowth into which we are all lost, the secret into which we are all privy.